sexta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2011

The Internet Business - build me one, I'll pay you

Occasionally I peek into; today I found this project:

In sum, they are hiring people who can build a Adsense profitable website... on whatever topic!

Perhaps the main silliness here is: why would people who can build such websites be doing it for others?

It's like those books that reveal the secret of finantial freedom. If the author knew the "secret" would he be trying to (and seemingly succeeding in) selling such books? (Maybe that's the secret, selling such books...)

This is just one in a million silly projects around the Internet Business, on and elsewhere. Although it is well established, by both reason and observation, that any Internet marketing sans real, proper content is a bust, we keep seeing this vast market grow of precisely that, Internet marketing sans content. Thank Google for doing precisely the opposite of what these people seem to thing they do.

(I just could not help it letting off some steam generated by watching stupidity grow each day in quantity and degree on the Human Web, despite the nice rational havens still out there.)